
Korea Tourist Attractions(Korean)


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Hoengseong Goradei Village, a rural village with living, breathing clean nature and well-preserved slash-and-burn farming culture, is surrounded by Balgyosan Mountain, 998 meters above sea level, like a folding screen, and is a mountain village that is also a famous place for healing. It flows along the valley at the origin of the Seomgang River. The first-class clear water and the refreshing sensation that can be experienced at Bongmyeong Waterfall halfway up Balgyosan Mountain make you feel the preciousness and value of nature with your whole body. Gora Day Village, a generous village where descendants of slash-and-burn farmers live with simplicity in each winding mountain valley, has a theme of slash-and-burn farming throughout the four seasons. You can have a variety of enjoyable rural experiences, and a stream where willow fish and fireflies welcome you, which can be seen in the first grade, is right nearby, and Goradei Restaurant, which has been designated as a local food village, serves a well-being meal using local ingredients from the mountain village. It is also a matter of great pride. About 30 experiences, including Simmani experience, fire hut experience, mountain sports club, mushroom experience, fish goads, wood burning experience, courage training with night goblins, and meditation experience, are held throughout the four seasons, and accommodation facilities such as pensions and bed and breakfasts (10 buildings) You can recover your tired mind and body as well as gain vitality through a comfortable retreat in the experience center, which can accommodate up to 120 people at the same time and is well-equipped with experience facilities. It was officially registered as a campsite (2015), so camping is also possible.
쉬는날 - 개장일 -
체험안내 * 화덕밥짓기 체험
- 체험가능시기 : 연중
- 체험가능인원 : 10명~100명
- 운영시간 : 09:00~17:00
- 체험가능연령 : 전연령
- 체험비용 : 10,000원

* 버섯수확 체험
- 체험가능시기 : 4월~11월
- 체험가능인원 : 10명~40명
- 운영시간 : 10:00~16:00
- 체험가능연령 : 전연령
- 체험비용 : 12,000원

* 심마니 체험
- 체험가능시기 : 5월~8월
- 체험가능인원 : 20명~50명
- 운영시간 : 10:00~17:30
- 체험가능연령 : 전연령
- 체험비용 : 12,000원
체험가능연령 -
이용시간 문의및안내 033-344-1004
유산구분 수용인원 -
주차시설 주차 가능 이용시기 -
유모차대여 불가 애완동물동반 불가
신용카드 없음 출처 한국관광공사
주소 강원도 횡성군 청일면 봉명로 375-1   Google map

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