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Canceled: Sinchon Water Gun Festival (신촌물총축제)

18-63, Changcheon-dong, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul

Canceled: Sinchon Water Gun Festival (신촌물총축제)

Sinchon Water Gun Festival started as a fun festival in Sinchon. Visitors can enjoy fun activities reflecting unique ideas, various artists' participation, and local features to cool off from the summer heat. People of all ages and all nations gather to join in this fun festival through the simple water gun.

Website :

Telephone : • 1330 Travel Hotline: +82-2-1330
(Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
• For more info: +82-70-8670-2182

Name of telephone : Heyway Co.

Registration date : 2015-07-21 00:11:20

Date of revision : 2022-09-20 10:04:46

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Event End Date 20220731
Event Location Area of Yonsei-ro road in Sinchon
Event Start Date 20220730
Performance Time 13:00-21:00
Event Program Watergun fight, various water attractions
Organizer Information Heyway Co.
Organizer Contact • 1330 Travel Hotline: +82-2-1330
(Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
• For more info: +82-70-8670-2182
Sponsor Contact +82-70-8670-2182
Usage Fee 12,000 won


Title Introduction
Content Sinchon Water Gun Festival started as a fun festival in Sinchon. Visitors can enjoy fun activities reflecting unique ideas, various artists' participation, and local features to cool off from the summer heat. People of all ages and all nations gather to join in this fun festival through the simple water gun.
Sequence Number 1


Starting point :
Destination : 18-63, Changcheon-dong, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul Finding the way :

* For use in Korea

Nearby subway information

신촌역 (2호선)
Bus route
Exit numberBus Number List
3서대문03, 서대문05, 서대문04
45713, 서대문05, 서대문03, 마포07, M6724, 7024, 서대문04, 3000A, 2000, 153, 1501, 1500, 1400, 3000
5800, 707, 721, 7611, 7713, N26, M6117, M6118, M6628, N62, 마포07, 6716, 7011, 602, 603, 1301, 1000, 1004, 1100, 1101, 1200, 1300, 1302, 1601, 270, 271, 273, 6002
6740, 마포10, 921, 7613, 753, 110B, 7016, 6716, 6712, 604, 5714, 110A
7마포11, 마포14, 마포13, 마포12, 5713, 마포10, 153, 마포07, 753, 8761(출근맞춤버스)
87011, 7016, 707, 721, 740, 753, 7611, 7613, 7713, 7737, 921, 800, 6716, M6117, M6628, M6724, M7731, N26, N62, 마포08, 마포09, 마포13, G6000, 603, 6712, 1500, 1000, 1004, 1100, 1101, 110B, 1200, 1300, 1301, 1302, 1400, 1501, 604, 1601, 2000, 270, 271, 273, 3000, 3000A, 5714, 6002, 602, 마포14
Surrounding facilities
Exit numberList of facilities
1기업은행, 창서초등학교, 현대백화점
2국민은행, 신나라레코드, 연세대학교
3세브란스병원, 연세대학교
4신촌지구대, 신촌파출소, 아트레온극장, 창천동사무소
5창천초등학교, 제일은행, 노고산동사무소
6거구장, 근로복지공단, 보호관찰소 서부지소, 서강대, 우리은행
7노고산파출소, 삼익아파트, 서강지구대, 신촌삼익아파트, 외환은행
8김대중도서관, 농협구판장
신촌역 (경의중앙)
Bus route
Exit numberBus Number List
1153, 171, 172, 173, 472, 5713, 674, 7017, 7024, 751, 770, 7713, 800
Surrounding facilities
Exit numberList of facilities
1이대전철역, 이대정문
2세브란스병원, 연세대
이대역 (2호선)
Bus route
Exit numberBus Number List
11000, M6118, 602, 603, 7011, 7017, 751, 7611, M7731, 472, N26, N62, 마포07, 마포10, 서대문05, 1004, 6002, 721, 273, 1400, 1100, 271, 1200, 1300, 1301, 1302, 1101, 1500, 1601, 171, 172, 173, 1501, 270
4707, 602, 603, 700, 7011, 7017, 7611, 721, 751, M6118, N26, N62, 서대문05, 472, 6002, 1300, 273, 1302, 1000, 271, 1100, 1101, 1200, 1301, 1004, 1400, 1500, 1501, 1601, 171, 172, 270
5서대문05, 마포07, 6716, 173
6173, 5714, 6712, 921, G6000, M7731, 마포07, 서대문05
Surrounding facilities
Exit numberList of facilities
2이대부속초,중고교, 이대사회복지관, 이화여대
3대신초등학교, 서부교육청, 서울과학종합대학원대학교, 이화여대
4북성초등학교, 서울서부보호관찰소
5숭문중,고등학교, 한서초등학교
6대흥동주민센터, 대흥파출소, 서강대학교
서강대역 (경의중앙)
Bus route
Exit numberBus Number List
1마포11, 마포12
2153, 5713, 753, 8761(출근맞춤버스), 마포07, 마포08, 마포09, 마포11, 마포12, 마포13
Surrounding facilities
Exit numberList of facilities
홍대입구역 (공항)

There is no detailed information about the subway station.

홍대입구역 (경의중앙)

There is no detailed information about the subway station.

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