Why Are EV Sales Lagging?

Why is the EV market lagging?

According to the Harvard Business Review  it’s typical new market syndrome.

In  his 1962 book Diffusions of Innovations, Everett Rogers characterised new market adoption with this bell curve.

In his 1991 book, Crossing the Chasm,  Geoffrey Moore said  that the most challenging of these transitions (the ‘Chasm’) was between early adopters and the early majority.

The former are change agents, the latter look for  productivity improvements.

And this, says Moore, is where the EV market is now.

And that is why the cautious, productivity-conscious Early Majority buyers are going, at the moment, for hybrids.



  1. I’m reminded the famous joke: “you put a politician in charge of the Sahara, and 5 years later they will run out of sand”.

    They put politicians in charge of Cars.

  2. I was lectured once by a boss on ‘crossing the chasm’ who considered our market was was at the early adopters/early majority boundary and that there were great things to come…
    .. it didn’t happen – turns out we were closer to the late majority/laggards boundary already. The problem is that your nicely planned market roll-out is easliy scuppered by other events, tech breakthroughs, politics. war etc..

  3. Without even looking Youtube just recommended this to me
    Yet another video about stupidly high repair costs on EVs

    A related problem is that because all the tax incentives are front loaded there is massive depreciation on EVs.
    This Youtuber is keen to let everyone know about it

    Something I realised is that the Motoring Journalists reviewing EVs don’t actually have to pay for them. Even if they are paying Benefit in Kind that is minimal compared to an ICE car with comparable performance No wonder they are so enthusiastic about them.

  4. Surely we’re in the laggards section. These dreadful things will be dead and buried in ten years when voters insist governments focus on proper solutions to climate change.

    • Given the fact that we already score record after record with the world temperature every month, 10 years from now maybe a tad (40yrs) too late …

      • Quite possibly yes. But anyone who thinks EVs are part of the solution to stopping climate change just hasn’t looked at the maths.

      • Yes, if it gets any warmer you’ll be growing grapes in UK, Saxony, Norway, and Lithuania same as you did 1,000 years ago.

        • Been growing grapes in the UK for the last 50 years. Some vintages have been award winning

        • I think you need to do a little Geography Eddie. The UK is already a producer of fine wines. Not in French quantities but that’s more down to the level of demand.

          • The thing is Roman grapes were the same as those grown in the med (at the time) and todays UK grapes are specially developed hardy varieties to stand the cold. I come from Hastings, in the wine growing region of Kent/Sussex.

          • Best UK grapes come from Yorkshire. I agree they are hardy varieties, but so are those in champanges, a region not known for it’s good climate. The harder a vine has to struggle, the better the wine (albeit less of it)

      • Do you agree Ice Ages come and go by themselves?
        Do you agree when coming out of an Ice Age, temperatures will increase (whether monthly or annually)
        Do you agree ‘record temperatures’ are a ridiculous way to argue ‘Man-Made Global Warming’

        If you need a longer argument, plenty of websites available e.g. Watts up with that.

  5. Oooh let me think

    Battery life
    Resale value

    for starters

    Better off with a milk float!!

  6. “You can fool all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time, but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.” P.T.Barnum

  7. Yup, they are suffering from bell end syndrome ..

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