Gangchon Rail Park (Gimyujeong Railbike) (강촌레일파크 (김유정레일바이크))


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Gangchon Rail Park (Gimyujeong Railbike) (강촌레일파크 (김유정레일바이크))

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After Gyeongchun Subway Line opened, the old train tracks turned into a rail bike park. Gangchon Rail Park starts next to Gimyujeong Station and offers various attractions including large book photo zone, caf?, zipwire and more. The total course of the rail bike is 8.5 kilometers long with 6 kilometers on rail bike and last 2.5 kilometers on a train. Most of the track is downhill for an easy ride with a beautiful view of mountains, fields, and a river. With an additional fee, visitors can enjoy the VR experience section of the ride. After riding the final section on a train along the Bukhangang River, riders will take the shuttle bus back to the original location. There are also a 7.2-kilometer-long Gyeonggang Railbike that starts from Gyeonggang Station at a separate charge.
Open period N/A (Open all year round) Hours of use
Admission fees Age available for experience Online reservation available
Off day 09:00-17:30 / Check the official website for details Inquiry • 1330 Korea Travel Hotline: +82-2-1330
(Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
• For more info: +82-33-245-1000
Scale Capacity
Parking facility Open to visitors of all ages Parking Fee Available (100 parking spaces)
Stroller rental Pets allowed
Address 1383, Gimyujeong-ro, Chuncheon-si, Gangwon-do(Sindong-myeon)

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Tourism Course:[Gangchon Railbike] Gimyujeong Station → Gangchon Station
[Gyeonggang Railbike] Gyeonggang Station → Gyeonggang Station
[Gapyeong Railbike] Gapyeong Station → Gyeonggang Station Rental Fees:Two-seater: 35,000 won
Four-seater: 48,000 won
VR 5,000 won per person Main Facilities:Nuri Nabi, departing station Subsidiary Facilities:Snack bar, cafe, rest area

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