X-game Resort (Naerincheon Bungee Jumping) (엑스게임리조트(내린천 번지점프))


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Korea Leisure & Sports

X-game Resort (Naerincheon Bungee Jumping) (엑스게임리조트(내린천 번지점프))

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Situated in Inje-gun, Gangwon-do, X-game Resort Naerincheon (Stream) Bungee Jumping is a leaning tower style bungee jumping facility, like those common in Australia. To secure safety, the facility is tilted at 60 degrees and flanked by steel frames on both sides. Adopting technologies employed by Bungee Big, a renowned company in Australia, it offers one of the safest bungee jumping experiences for visitors. The 63 meter high jump platform will give visitors a thrill as they jump towards the stream below.

For those who have fear of bungee jumping, try Slingshots, that shoots up to the sky. They are easily accessible and ideal for family visitors and couples. Two people at a time can ride the slingshots, and there are two towers (30 meters high) supporting slingshots on both sides. Shot from the bottom, slingshots can fly one and half times as high as the x_height of the jumping facility. Flying over 45 meters in a matter of seconds, slingshots offer extreme thrills for friends, couples, or family visitors.
Open period Hours of use
Admission fees Age available for experience Homepage:
Off day 09:00-18:00 Inquiry • 1330 Travel Hotline: +82-2-1330
(Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
• For more info: +82-33-461-5216~7
Scale x_height : 63m Capacity
Parking facility Ages 13-50 Parking Fee
Stroller rental Pets allowed
Address 2254, Seorak-ro, Inje-gun, Gangwon-do

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Rental Fees:Bungee Jumping: Ankle 60,000 won / Body 45,000 won
* Ankle: equipment is worn on the ankle (not allowed for elementary, middle, high school students)
* Body: equipment is worn on the body (no age limit / Weight: 40kg to 110kg)

* Fees are subject to change. Please make a phone-inquiry for more information.

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