Daejeon World Cup Stadium (대전월드컵경기장)

Korea Leisure & Sports

Daejeon World Cup Stadium (대전월드컵경기장)

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Daejeon World Cup Stadium is one of the stadiums where games were held during the 2002 World Cup Korea/Japan. The stadium can accommodate up to 42,000 fans and is the first retractable roof stadium in Korea.
Open period Hours of use
Admission fees Age available for experience
Off day Inquiry • 1330 Travel Hotline: +82-2-1330
(Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
• For more info: +82-42-610-2900
Scale Site area: 172,378,18 ㎡
Total ground area: 101,786.46 ㎡
Building structure: rectangular (205.2 m × 168.3 m)
Floors: B1-6F
1) Main stadium
- Arena: 105 m x 68 m
- Seats: 40,903
- Parking: 1,757 spaces (underground level 478, above ground level 1,279)
2) Stadium broadcasting facilities – Field speakers: 8 sets / Stand speakers: 24 sets
3) Electronic scoreboard: 2 (29 m × 9.2 m)
4) Entrance (ticket inspections): 12 gates (36 inspection stalls)
5) Exits: 55 gates
Parking facility Parking Fee
Stroller rental Pets allowed
Address 32, World Cup-daero, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon(Noeun-dong)

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Rental Fees:* Refer to the website.

* Promotion Hall
Inquiry: +82-42-610-2914
Operating hours: 09:00-18:00 (Mon-Fri), closed on public holidays
Parking fee: Free (use the parking lot by the south stands)


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