Cheongpung Land (청풍랜드)

Korea Leisure & Sports

Cheongpung Land (청풍랜드)

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Cheongpung Land was created in 2002 near Chungjuho Lake in Cheongpung-myeon, Jecheon-si, Chungcheongbuk-do. It features beautiful scenery and the maximum use of practical space to build Korea’s first multi-tower. Based on planning, constructing, and test runs, it is operated by Over Class Inc. which is cosigned by Jecheon-si. The multi-tower’s three main facilities are a 62-meter Bungee Jump, Korea’s first-ever Ejection Seat, and Big Swing. The bungee jump highlights safety by adding a safety line to the gear to prevent falling accidents caused by breaking of the bungee cord rubber.
Open period Mondays / December-February
* No days off in July & August
Hours of use
Admission fees Age available for experience
Off day [Facility operating hours]
March & November 10:00-17:00
April-July, September-October 10:00-18:00
Late July-August 10:00-19:00

* Visitors planning on arriving after 16:00 should call in advance, as the closing hour is subject to change depending on local conditions.
* Detailed information is available on the homepage.
Inquiry • 1330 Travel Hotline: +82-2-1330
(Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
• For more info: +82-43-648-4151
Scale Capacity
Parking facility Parking Fee
Stroller rental Pets allowed
Address 6, Cheongpungho-ro 50-gil, Jecheon-si, Chungcheongbuk-do

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Rental Fees:Bungee Jump 40,000 won
Cable Coaster 35,000 won
Ejection Seat 20,000 won
Big Swing 20,000 won
Bungee Tower Experience 5,000 won
GoPro Filming 20,000 won

* Refer to website for details


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