Vivaldi Park Ski World (비발디 파크 스키월드)
2023.04.02 20:14
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Rental Fees:* Refer to the website for fees.
* Operating hours, slope hours, and fees are subject to change depending on weather conditions. Reference Notes:* Shuttle bus is available Subsidiary Facilities:Rides: Bumper car, tea cup ride, merry-go-round, etc.
Leisure facilities: Bowling alley, billiards, swimming pool, sauna, lake park, forest bathing site, tennis court, badminton court, basketball court, etc.
Other facilities: Supermarket, pharmacy, singing room, coffee shop, restaurant, etc.
* Operating hours, slope hours, and fees are subject to change depending on weather conditions. Reference Notes:* Shuttle bus is available Subsidiary Facilities:Rides: Bumper car, tea cup ride, merry-go-round, etc.
Leisure facilities: Bowling alley, billiards, swimming pool, sauna, lake park, forest bathing site, tennis court, badminton court, basketball court, etc.
Other facilities: Supermarket, pharmacy, singing room, coffee shop, restaurant, etc.