Jinju Intangible Cultural Asset Saturday Performance (진주 무형문화재 토요상설공연)


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Jinju Intangible Cultural Asset Saturday Performance (진주 무형문화재 토요상설공연)

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Jinju Intangible Cultural Asset Saturday Performance is a regular performance aimed at passing down and preserving Jinju’s intangible cultural assets. It gives the opportunity to enjoy Jinju’s symbolic tradition and cultural arts, such as Samcheonpo Nongak, Jinju Sword Dance, and Jinju Dance with Balls. Various experience programs as well as such shows are prepared to draw the attention of the public to Jinju’s intangible cultural assets and promote them. Also, the exchange of intangible cultural assets with other regions has been planned to offer more spectacular performances. Jinju Intangible Cultural Asset Saturday Performance aims to be recognized as Jinju’s representative culture and tourism program through the efforts of introducing superiority and attraction of Jinju’s intangible cultural assets to domestic and foreign tourists.
Start 20200801 End 20201031
Performance time Saturdays 14:00-16:00 Place Chokseongnu Pavilion in Jinjuseong Castle and outdoor theater
Viewing time Approx. 90 min Viewing age Open to visitors of all ages
Usage fee Free Discount
Reservation office Event venue location
Side events Program
Progression type Festival type
Organizer Performance Groups of Jinju Sword Dance, Jinju Samcheonpo Nongak, Jinju Dance with Balls, Gayageum for Sanjo Music in Sin Gwanyong Style, and Jinju Ogwangdae Contact • 1330 Travel Hotline: +82-2-1330
(Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
• For more info: +82-55-749-5312
Host company Jinju-si Contact +82-55-749-5312
Address 626, Namgang-ro, Jinju-si, Gyeongsangnam-do Source KOREA TOURISM ORGANIZATION

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Introduction:Jinju Intangible Cultural Asset Saturday Performance is a regular performance aimed at passing down and preserving Jinju’s intangible cultural assets. It gives the opportunity to enjoy Jinju’s symbolic tradition and cultural arts, such as Samcheonpo Nongak, Jinju Sword Dance, and Jinju Dance with Balls. Various experience programs as well as such shows are prepared to draw the attention of the public to Jinju’s intangible cultural assets and promote them. Also, the exchange of intangible cultural assets with other regions has been planned to offer more spectacular performances. Jinju Intangible Cultural Asset Saturday Performance aims to be recognized as Jinju’s representative culture and tourism program through the efforts of introducing superiority and attraction of Jinju’s intangible cultural assets to domestic and foreign tourists. Programs:Instruments used for shamanic ritual, traditional clothes, and dancing step catch the eyes of the audience during various performances designated as Jinju Intangible Cultural Assets. Jinju Sword Dance, Jinju Samcheonpo Nongak, Jinju Dance with Balls, Gayageum for Sanjo Music in Sin Gwanyong Style, and Jinju Ogwangdae are representative performances, and they are held in groups of two or three. Performance bearers or masters give an explanation about the performances to the audience to make the event more enjoyable. In addition, the audience can experience activities such as wearing traditional clothes and masks or playing a musical instrument after the performances. This event contributes to the inheritance of Jinju’s intangible cultural assets and introduce artistic values of Korean traditional dance and musical performances. How to Particpate:Check the official website

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