Geoje Marine Festival (거제 바다로세계로)


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Korea Festivals & Events

Geoje Marine Festival (거제 바다로세계로)

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Geoje Marine Festival embodies summer, with marine lesiure sports to enjoy the day, and concerts by various idols to heat up the night. Visitors can also enjoy raw fish at the lowest prices and evening markets.
Start 20220729 End 20220731
Performance time Check the official website Place Jisepo Harbor Park
Viewing time Varies by program Viewing age Open to visitors of all ages
Usage fee Free Discount
Reservation office Event venue location
Side events Program
Progression type Festival type
Organizer Geoje-si Contact • 1330 Travel Hotline: +82-2-1330
(Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
• For more info: +82-55-639-4163
Host company Contact +82-55-639-4163
Address 15-44 , Jisepohaean-ro, Geoje-si, Gyeongsangnam-do Source KOREA TOURISM ORGANIZATION

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Introduction:Geoje Marine Festival embodies summer, with marine lesiure sports to enjoy the day, and concerts by various idols to heat up the night. Visitors can also enjoy raw fish at the lowest prices and evening markets.

Photo Festival
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