Korean Folk Art Festival (한국민속예술제)


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Korea Festivals & Events

Korean Folk Art Festival (한국민속예술제)

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The Korean Folk Art Festival aims to encourage visitors to discover and preserve Korea’s traditional folk art while fostering the public’s awareness of traditional culture. The special characteristic of this festival is that a different city hosts the event every year to showcase talents from cities around the country. The festival features many intangible cultural heritages of Korea.
Start 20211201 End 20211216
Performance time Place Online
Viewing time Varies by program Viewing age Open to visitors of all ages
Usage fee Free Discount
Reservation office Event venue location
Side events Program
Progression type Festival type
Organizer Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism Contact • 1330 Travel Hotline: +82-2-1330
(Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
• For more info: +82-2-580-3278
Host company Korean Traditional Performing Arts Foundation Contact +82-2-580-3278

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Introduction:The Korean Folk Art Festival aims to encourage visitors to discover and preserve Korea’s traditional folk art while fostering the public’s awareness of traditional culture. The special characteristic of this festival is that a different city hosts the event every year to showcase talents from cities around the country. The festival features many intangible cultural heritages of Korea. Programs:Folk performances from 19 different regions of Korea

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