Taean Tulip Park (태안 세계튤립꽃박람회)


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Korea Festivals & Events

Taean Tulip Park (태안 세계튤립꽃박람회)

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Taean Tulip Park presents the largest flower festival in Korea and offers excellent photo opportunities. The festival venue is divided into sections, which are decorated in different styles according to the annual theme, allowing visitors to enjoy the sight of colorful tulips among creative and fun backdrops.
Start 20230412 End 20230507
Performance time 09:00-18:00 Place Korea Flower Park
Viewing time Viewing age
Usage fee Individuals: Adults 14,000 won / Children & Teenagers 12,000 won / Senior citizens & Groups 11,000 won Discount
Reservation office Event venue location
Side events Program
Progression type Festival type
Organizer Taean Flower Festival Promotion Committee Contact • 1330 Travel Hotline: +82-2-1330
(Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
• For more info: +82-41-675-5533
Host company Nature Farming Cooperatives, Adaram Agricultural Corporation, Taean Lily Export Agricultural Association Corporation Contact +82-41-675-5533
Address 400, Kkotjihaean-ro, Taean-gun, Chungcheongnam-do Source KOREA TOURISM ORGANIZATION

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Introduction:Taean Tulip Park presents the largest flower festival in Korea and offers excellent photo opportunities. The festival venue is divided into sections, which are decorated in different styles according to the annual theme, allowing visitors to enjoy the sight of colorful tulips among creative and fun backdrops.

Photo Festival
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