Jeongseon Arirang Festival (정선아리랑제)


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Korea Festivals & Events

Jeongseon Arirang Festival (정선아리랑제)

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Jeongseon Arirang Festival is an annual festival usually held in October in an effort to preserve and develop the oldest Arirang in Korea, Jeongseon Arirang, an intangible cultural heritage.

Many events and programs are held, with the festival's main event being the performance of Arirang folk song. Variations of Arirang from different regions will also be performed.
Start 20220915 End 20220918
Performance time Check the official website for details Place Arirang Center and online
Viewing time Viewing age
Usage fee Discount
Reservation office Event venue location
Side events Program
Progression type Festival type
Organizer Jeongseon Arirang Festival Committee Contact • 1330 Travel Hotline: +82-2-1330
(Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
• For more info: +82-33-560-3000
Host company Jeongseon-gun, Gangwon-do Contact +82-33-560-3000
Address Bongyang-ri, Jeongseon-gun, Gangwon-do Source KOREA TOURISM ORGANIZATION

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Introduction:Jeongseon Arirang Festival is an annual festival usually held in October in an effort to preserve and develop the oldest Arirang in Korea, Jeongseon Arirang, an intangible cultural heritage.

Many events and programs are held, with the festival's main event being the performance of Arirang folk song. Variations of Arirang from different regions will also be performed. Programs:Opening/closing ceremony, themed performances, Arirang parade, contests, etc.

Photo Festival
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