Chuncheon Makguksu & Dakgalbi Festival (춘천 막국수닭갈비축제)


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Chuncheon Makguksu & Dakgalbi Festival (춘천 막국수닭갈비축제)

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Chuncheon Makguksu & Dakgalbi Festival celebrates dakgalbi (spicy stir-fried chicken) and makguksu (buckwheat noodles), two of the most famous specialties of the city of Chuncheon. During this festival, the area is full of booths selling buckwheat noodles and spicy stir-fried chicken. The festival offers plenty of ways to experience these two local foods.
Start 20220830 End 20220904
Performance time 10:00-21:00 Place Areas of Samaksan Cable Car
Viewing time Viewing age
Usage fee Free Discount
Reservation office Event venue location
Side events Program
Progression type Festival type
Organizer Chuncheon Makguksu & Dakgalbi Festival Organizing Committee Contact • 1330 Travel Hotline: +82-2-1330
(Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
• For more info: +82-33-254-4347
Host company Chuncheon Makguksu & Dakgalbi Festival Organizing Committee Contact +82-33-254-4347
Address 245 , Sports town-gil, Chuncheon-si, Gangwon-do Source KOREA TOURISM ORGANIZATION

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Introduction:Chuncheon Makguksu & Dakgalbi Festival celebrates dakgalbi (spicy stir-fried chicken) and makguksu (buckwheat noodles), two of the most famous specialties of the city of Chuncheon. During this festival, the area is full of booths selling buckwheat noodles and spicy stir-fried chicken. The festival offers plenty of ways to experience these two local foods.

Photo Festival
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