Gwangju Chungjang World Festival of Memories (광주 추억의 충장축제)
2023.04.01 07:00
This audition festival takes place in the city of culture and art, Gwangju, and has a grand prize of 1 million won. For approximately ten days, the festival is hosted in the areas of 5.18 Democracy Square and Asia Culture Center. There are also free zone stages all throughout Gwangju for street performances.
Start | 20221008 | End | 20221017 | ||||
Performance time | All-day | Place | Areas of 5?18 Democracy Square, Asia Culture Center, and Gwangju | ||||
Viewing time | Viewing age | ||||||
Usage fee | Free | Discount | |||||
Reservation office | Event venue location | ||||||
Side events | Program | ||||||
Progression type | Festival type | ||||||
Organizer | Dong-gu, Gwangju | Contact |
• 1330 Travel Hotline: +82-2-1330 (Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese) • For more info: +82-62-233-1007 |
Host company | Contact | +82-62-233-1007 | |||||
Address | 41, Geumnamno 1(il)-ga, Dong-gu, Gwangju | Source | KOREA TOURISM ORGANIZATION |
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Introduction:This audition festival takes place in the city of culture and art, Gwangju, and has a grand prize of 1 million won. For approximately ten days, the festival is hosted in the areas of 5.18 Democracy Square and Asia Culture Center. There are also free zone stages all throughout Gwangju for street performances.
Programs:3 Rounds and final competition