Daejeon International Wine Festival (대전국제와인페스티벌)


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Daejeon International Wine Festival (대전국제와인페스티벌)

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Daejeon International Wine Festival is the only international wine festival in Korea. The festival originated to celebrate the production of Korea's first modern wine using grapes grown in the regions of Sannae, Daejeon in July 1969. The festival showcases a variety of imported wines as well as domestically produced wines and traditional liquors. About 10,000 different wines can be seen during this festival. The festival hosts the Asian Wine Trophy, a large scale wine tasting event, and the Asia Wine Buyers Conference, participated by recognized wine experts.
Start 20220826 End 20220828
Performance time 11:00-19:00
Outdoor culture event 18:00-22:00
Place Daejeon Convention Center
Viewing time Viewing age Open to visitors ages 19 & older
Usage fee 10,000 won (wine glass not included) Discount
Reservation office Event venue location
Side events Program
Progression type Festival type
Organizer DIME (Daejeon International Marketing Enterprise) Contact • 1330 Travel Hotline: +82-2-1330
(Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
• For more info: +82-42-250-1358, 1359
Host company DIME (Daejeon International Marketing Enterprise) Contact +82-42-250-1358
Address 107, Expo-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon Source KOREA TOURISM ORGANIZATION

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Introduction:Daejeon International Wine Festival is the only international wine festival in Korea. The festival originated to celebrate the production of Korea's first modern wine using grapes grown in the regions of Sannae, Daejeon in July 1969. The festival showcases a variety of imported wines as well as domestically produced wines and traditional liquors. About 10,000 different wines can be seen during this festival. The festival hosts the Asian Wine Trophy, a large scale wine tasting event, and the Asia Wine Buyers Conference, participated by recognized wine experts. Programs:- Asia Wine Trophy
- Asia Wine Conference
- Korea National Sommelier Competition

* Refer to the website for more info How to Particpate:

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