Jeju Museum of Art (제주도립미술관)


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Jeju Museum of Art (제주도립미술관)

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The Jeju Museum of Art is surrounded by the beautiful and pristine nature of Jeju. The museum is the epicenter of Jeju art and reflects the local culture, colors and sounds of the island. It is a center at which locals and tourists can appreciate historical and recent artworks at its permanent exhibition halls, special exhibition hall and outdoor gallery. The Chang Ree-suok Hall displays 110 artworks made by the major Korean artist Chang Ree-suok. The museum also hosts various cultural and art programs.
Day off Mondays, New Year's Day, Seollal (Lunar New Year's Day), Chuseok (Korean Thanksgiving Day) Usage fee Individuals - Adults 2,000 won / Teenagers 1,000 won / Children 500 won
Groups - Adults 1,400 won / Teenagers 700 won / Children 300 won

* Free admission: Preschoolers (ages 5 and younger), senior citizens (ages 65 and older)
Discount information Viewing time 60 minutes
Hours of use October-June 09:00-18:00 / July-September 09:00-20:00
* Last ticketing 30 min before closing
Inquiry • 1330 Travel Hotline: +82-2-1330 (Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
• For more info: +82-64-710-4300
Scale Site area: 9,759 ㎡
Building area: 7,087 ㎡ (B1-2F)
Parking facility Available Parking fee
Stroller rental none With pets none
Address 2894-78, 1100-ro, Jeju-si, Jeju-do


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