Gyeongnam Culture & Art Center (경상남도문화예술회관)


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Gyeongnam Culture & Art Center (경상남도문화예술회관)

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Gyeongnam Culture and Art Center is located along the Namgang River in Chilam-dong, Jinju. Construction began in 1984 and the center was opened on August 29, 1988, covering a plot of land of 18,894 ㎡, building area of 6,096 ㎡ and total floor area of 12,354 ㎡ through one basement level and four ground-level floors. The center is unique in that it features a structure combining Korean and Western styles into a multipurpose center housing a large stage, playing site, exhibition halls, and subsidiary facilities to develop the local culture all year long. In particular, it is close to Namgaram Cultural Street giving a great view of Namgang River.
Day off Varies by performance Usage fee Varies by performance
Discount information Viewing time
Hours of use Varies by performance Inquiry • 1330 Travel Hotline: +82-55-1330
(Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
• For more info: +82-1544-6711
Scale Capacity Grand theater: 1,564 seats
Parking facility Available
* Operating hours: 09:00-22:00
Parking fee * General parking
- 500 won for first 30 min
- 200 won for each additional 10 min
- Daily parking: 10,000 won 

* Theater patrons: Free of charge for the first 3 hr
* Exhibition patrons: Free of charge for the first 2 hr
* Free for vehicles leaving within 10 min
Stroller rental none With pets none
Address 215, Gangnam-ro, Jinju-si, Gyeongsangnam-do

Industry Information:1) Performances including play, concert, dance, movie
2) Cultural arts assembly, seminar, presentation
3) Various art exihibitions

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