Byeokchoji Gardens (벽초지수목원)

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Byeokchoji Gardens (벽초지수목원)

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Byeokchoji Gardens features 27 themed gardens with both Oriental and Western landscaping elements. With the Excitement Square in the center of the garden, the Oriental style gardens feature a pond, while the Western gardens begin after passing through a gate designed like the Great Wall of China. In total, there are over 1,000 plant species, providing beautiful scenery throughout the year. Byeokchoji Gardens has been featured in a variety of films, dramas, music videos, and other media forms. With the gardens on mostly flat land, anyone can easily access the garden and enjoy with ease.
Day off N/A (Open all year round) Opening day September 9, 2005
Experience guide [Green School] Play Green exploration program, guided tour, craft program Age of use
Hours of use December-February 10:00-17:00 (last ticketing 16:00)
March & November 09:30-18:00 (last ticketing 17:00)
April & September-October 09:00-19:00 (last ticketing 17:30)
May-August 09:00-19:30 (last ticketing 18:00)
Ask • 1330 Travel Hotline: +82-2-1330
(Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
• For more info: +82-31-957-2004
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Parking lot Available (Parking Lot 1 & 2) When should you use it?
Stroller rental none Pet none
Address 242, Buheung-ro, Paju-si, Gyeonggi-do

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Shopping Information:Café, snack bar, Italian restaurant, gift shop Admission Fees:Individuals – Adults 9,000 won / Teenagers 7,000 won / Children & Senior citizens 6,000 won
Groups – Adults 7,000 won / Teenagers 6,000 won / Children & Senior citizens 5,000 won

* Adults (ages 20-64) / Teenagers (ages 13-19) / Children (ages 3-12) / Senior citizens (ages 65 & over)
* Groups: 30 people or more

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